My Sourdough Story

Hi! My name is Katie. And I’m obsessed with Sourdough. 


I grew up with my Croatian Grandma making the most delicious bread. When I got old enough to want to learn how to make homemade bread - which was really only a few years ago - my Grandma was no longer with us so I asked my Dad to teach me how. He explained to me that they asked her for the recipe so many times, but she never measured anything out, like most people of that generation, and although they went over and did their best to watch and learn, it’s still not QUITE the same. Sure it’s good, and it reminds me of her bread, but it’s just not exactly right. 

​If I ever decide to have kids, I want to give them something tangible so that they have all the tools they need to make it exactly like their mom, or if my kids have kids, like their grandma and so on and so forth. ​

I’m not a trained chef. I’m not even a super experienced home cook. In fact, most of the time I’m not very good at all - more on that later. But in January of 2020, I decided to pick up sourdough bread baking, at the encouragement of my boyfriend and it’s really not as hard as I thought, so why was I always so intimidated by it? 

This is my attempt at documenting all of my favorite things about sourdough and beyond. Maybe other people that i’m not related to want to learn a thing or two, or maybe they just wanna make fun of me for how bad I am at this, to be determined. 

I hope this journey gives you the confidence to make your own sourdough starter and make your own bread and your own meals, but the true goal is to pass something along to someone, somewhere both now and in the future. ​

And! If you don’t have the time or energy to make a sourdough starter, I’m gonna do my best to have alternatives along the way using yeast, etc. But all in all, I just wanted to share my journey and I hope you'll join me for the ride!